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2023 Garden Tour

Our 5th annual 2023 Colonial Heights Garden Tour on Sunday, May 7th was a wonderful time for our over 250 guests!

The tour is an opportunity to bring neighbors andgarden enthusiasts together to share the beauty ofcultivated spaces. From drought-tolerant to ediblelandscapes and backyards that have been tendedand created over decades, each space on the tourprovides inspiration and character.

The loving stewardship of what is now ourneighborhood is nothing new. For thousands of years before the Colonial Investment Company broke ground on the Heights in 1910—beforeJohn Muir described the Great Valley ofCalifornia as "the floweriest piece of world I ever walked”—the Nisenan people summered inSacramento, collecting acorns into woven, willow granaries.

As you drive, bike, and walk around our neighborhood, take note of the native oaks ofColonial Heights, and wonder what person or creature planted them, and when. Imagine past iterations of the landscape compared to now. What past and present damages need acknowledgement and mending? What seed scan we plant today that will bring joy in the future?

We want to thank our wonderful vendors for helping to make this event such a success:

  • Flora and Fauna: Seasonal food and drinks

  • Brown Rice Bakery: Gluten free, vegan treats

  • Miridae Living Labs Mobile Plant Nursery

  • My-Topia: Outdoor plants, bulbs, & succulents

  • Wildsisters Book Co: Garden bookshop popup

  • Cassidy's Crazy Cans: Succulents & antique vases

  • SMUD: Sponsor and community partner

We also wanted to thank our musicians who provided tour visitors with live music throughout the day:

  • DJ Ché Groovara

  • Harpist Andrew Jones

  • Guitarist Joel Brungardt

And a big thank you to everyone who helped with family friendly activities throughout the day!

10am-2pm: Children's Coloring Table

10am-2pm: Free Plant and Seed Swap with donations from Cooperative Gardens Commission

11am: Master Gardener Beneficial Bugs Talk with UC Davis Master Gardener Kim Steinmann

12pm: Garden Story Hour with Wildsisters Book Co

1pm: Laundry to Landscape Demo with Tori

A big shout out and thank you to our wonderful event sponsor SMUD!

Finally, check out some of the amazing local media coverage our event received:

Thank you to our 2023 Garden Tour Committee who made this possible!

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