In Janaury of 2023 we polled our neighbors on what their top priorities were in the coming year. We discussed the results at our February CHNA meetings in the library and had volunteers sign up to begin planning our community events.
The top 3 priorities for 2023:
Clean and Safe Park
Community Safety
Speeding in the Neighborhood

The top 3 Events for 2023:
Live Music/Porch Fest
National Night Out

Write in Events:
Community Garage/Yard Sale
4th of July
More block parties!
Volunteers Opportunities:
We also got 17 new volunteer sign ups (THANK YOU!). If you'd also like to volunteer please reach out to
At our February meeting we had volunteers sign up for the following committees, if you are interested in helping out let us know:
National Night Out
Park Clean Up
Garden Tour
Porch Fest
Scarecrow Festival
Monthly Meeting Coordination
We have some committees that need leaders/volunteers:
Welcome Committee
Street Safety Committee
Halloween Committee
Movie Night
Monthly Flyering
Neighbor Participation Rate
700 Households
50 Responses
7% Response Rate
Thank you everyone who participated in our survey and discussion. Looking forward to hanging out with all of you in the neighborhood in the coming year!